
Worship Guide, Video, Sermon,

Lessons Along the Way: Shaping the Inner Life

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

It's Ash Wednesday, the day in our Christian year when we consider the truth of our finality and fragility: that 'from dust we came, and to the dust we shall re...


Video, Sermon, Worship Guide,

Lessons Along the Way: On a Moral Imagination

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

As the story goes, Mullah Nasrudden once found a diamond by the roadside. Muslim law dictated that finders became keepers only if they first announced their fin...


Worship Guide, Video, Sermon,

Lessons Along the Way: What’s Hard Between Us

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

Perhaps it’s the coincidence that this year finds Valentine’s Day just a couple of days past the Super Bowl, but I find that I have hearts on my mind and, w...


Worship Guide, Video, Sermon,

Lessons Along the Way: Blessing

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

On a warm Sunday morning in May 1911, a group of 13 friends set out by foot and by buggy from Highlands, NC to Whiteside. ...


Sermon, Worship Guide, Video,

Home by Another Way: Sent

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

Today, we conclude our month of talking through the Epiphany passages of Jesus....


Sermon, Worship Guide, Video,

Home by Another Way: Called

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

In the comic strip, Linus had gotten fed up with Lucy. She was up to her self-focused ways again, and he was over it. ...
