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Sermon, Video, Worship Guide,

Defying Norms: Disconnect and Heal

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Proclaimer: Amy McClure

Today I invite you to remember this: You have to disconnect to connect. You have to  disconnect to connect.  ...


Sermon, Video, Worship Guide,

Defying Norms: Loosening Our Grip

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

Perhaps you know Parker Palmer – the theologian and author and speaker whose book, Let Your Life Speak, is the one we give to our graduates and who is beloved...


Sermon, Video, Worship Guide,

Defying Norms: Citizens of Audacious Hope

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

When you first look at the painting, you’re not entirely sure what you see. On a fairly dim background sits a woman, alone and blindfolded. As you look more c...


Sermon, Video, Worship Guide,

Defying Norms: Silent and Still

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

Today’s gospel story may be short, but it is rich and full with a word from the Lord today, a word of good news for each of us and all of us to hear. So letâ€...


Sermon, Video, Worship Guide,

Defying Norms: Doing What is Ours to Do

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

Two summers ago, I experienced one of the great gifts of my life when you extended an invitation to me to take a sabbatical (as our Amy McClure is experiencing ...


Worship Guide, Sermon, Video,

Defying Norms: Insider/Outsider

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

When the Russian-Finnish border was being redrawn, the old story goes, a farmer was told that the boundary line passed right through the middle of his land...
