
Worship Guide, Video, Sermon,

Tending: What’s Different 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

Have you seen that precious video that’s made its rounds on social media, where children of all kinds are paired onscreen and asked, “what makes you two dif...


Worship Guide, Video, Sermon,

Tending: To Hold and to Stretch 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

It was the summer of 1946 when a rumor began in South America that there was a famine sweeping across the continent. ...


Worship Guide, Video, Sermon,

Tell Me A Story

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

Barbara Brown Taylor once told a story about a day she went to her local nursing home one afternoon to celebrate communion with the guests there....


Worship Guide, Video, Sermon,

Then and Now: Purpose (The Story of Joseph)

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

In her clever short story called “Personal Testimony,” author Lynna Williams tells of the 12-year old preacher’s daughter who goes to a fundamentalist Bib...


Sermon, Video, Worship Guide,

Then and Now: Power (The Story of Jacob’s Sons) 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

A few weeks ago, I suggested that you all might be humming the songs from the movie musical, Jesus Christ Superstar, after we watched it together on our Friday ...


Worship Guide, Sermon, Video,

Then and Now: Struggle (The Story of Jacob)

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Proclaimer: Emily Hull McGee

This time last year, I completed a journey I thought would just about do me in....
