Emily Hull McGee

Y'all are Beloved
Beloved Community,

2023 Year in Review

December 31st, 2023

On this final day of 2023, I find myself awash in reflections and gratitude from the year we've shared together. For what a season it’s been, our joy made ful...


Beloved Community,

Gift and Giver

December 21st, 2023

If I had a dollar for every one of you who've shared with such gratitude what Sunday's service of Lessons & Carols meant to you... well, I'd have a host of doll...


Beloved Community,

How to Unlock the Heart

December 17th, 2023

I’m certain that music unlocks a chamber of the human heart in each of us where words cannot. Time and time again in my life, this has been true for me, and p...


Beloved Community,

Now and Not Yet

December 8th, 2023

All of us who enjoyed time together this week in Mary Foskett’s “More than a Season: Advent and the Christian Life” class were given ample gifts. Not the ...


Beloved Community,

To Dwell Among Us

December 1st, 2023

I’ve had a recent conversation with one of my children about Santa, the mystery that stirs the imagination about a man who circles the earth in a night, nary ...


Beloved Community,

Love Multiplies

November 25th, 2023

Happy belated Thanksgiving to you, dear ones! No matter what filled your table or who filled your home, I hope your time of fellowship and gratitude this week w...
