Amy McClure

April 21st, 2024

Faithful God,  

We come to you this morning as those who have all been the prodigal child, people who have  felt lost. We are so grateful that you hear our prayers at all times and we give thanks that you  are faithful and that your mercies are new every morning.  

We give thanks for those in our lives who help us see your love and for the ways they extend  their arms to offer us a hug and welcome us back into relationships each week. And for the  ways they use their words to offer us encouragement, affirmation, and reassurance of who and  whose we are. We give you thanks for those who love us well and help us to laugh. For those  who simply sit with us in silence. For those who find the good in all and for those who help us  see you more clearly. We give you thanks for our faith community here at First on Fifth and  pray that you will continue to bind us together in the great work of Love you have called us to  do.  

We also pray this morning that you be with those who weep and are crying, those who cannot  sleep, who have no place to rest, who have no peace, who seek release – and still feel far from  what feels like home. We have loved ones who struggle with poor health, with mental illness,  with economic hardship, with broken and damaged relationships, with low self-esteem and a  

lost sense of confidence, with anxiety and depression, and with loss of loved ones, those with  transitions to move, and for those with unexpected loss that they never saw coming. We place  them in your care.  

We take time this morning to pray for so much happening around our country and around our  world. In a time when so many seem so divided, we pray for us, the Church, to be given a new  lens by which we see the world as you lead us into the places to love and serve others – to  bridge the gaps to do justice and help others see each other the way you see them. Lead us  through these struggles and challenges and bring us back to you every day – to life and love  abundant. Transform us and all our broken ways, transform us that we can be made whole  again.  

We pray all these things in the name of the one who is patient with us when we doubt, when we  feel lost, who offers peace for us when we are restless or gone astray, and who loves us no  matter who we are and where we come from – Jesus, the risen Christ – and the one who taught  us to pray saying….