Prayers for the People
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Transfiguration Sunday
Moment of Silence
God of the mountains and valleys,
As we follow in the way of Jesus, sometimes we find ourselves basking in the light of the mountaintops, standing in awe of your presence that shines so brightly that we never want to leave what seems to be the best experience of our lives. We give thanks for the moments of transformation in our own lives, where you have illuminated our path and revealed your love in unexpected ways. This morning we give you thanks for the moments in our lives that bring us joy, for the moments that push us to think and grow beyond what we imagined, for days where we physically just feel good, for the moments where our eyes are opened to your beauty through creation around us. We give you thanks for the people who help us see the world differently, who broaden our perspectives and teach us new things about ourselves, and you, and about our world.
And God we know that we can’t fully appreciate those mountaintop experiences without knowing the sting of the darkest shadows in the valleys of our lives. when our days are dark and dreary, when our hearts are heavy, when the valleys seem more depressing then ever. We pray this morning for those experiencing the crippling feeling of loneliness, longing for connection. We pray for those whose physical bodies suffer from chronic pain, those who are experiencing unexpected illness, those whose lives are shrouded in grief and are struggling to see even the smallest amount of light in their lives. We pray for those who are marginalized and feel misunderstood. We pray that you will help us see others they way you see them and love them the way you love them. Illuminate for us the parts of ourselves that we have long kept in the shadows, scared to wrestle with and bring to the light. God, we know that unnamed things in our lives have power over us, so help us have the courage to name the things we need to name, leaning into the hard things. Give us courage to lean into hard relationships with family and friends, working to build bridges of reconciliation and love. Help us simply be the church. And in our moments of struggle and straying from the way of Jesus, we find our firm footing again as we pray together the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray saying….Our Father…