February 23, 2023: 40 Days of Reflection
February 23rd, 2023
A few nights ago, our family was talking about Lent (prompted, of course, by me), and after a brief refresher on the season, I asked everyone what they thought ...
February 16, 2023: State of the Church
February 16th, 2023
In my inaugural year of ordained ministry, I experienced my first “State of the Church” presentation. ...
February 9, 2023: The Story of God’s Work
February 9th, 2023
Several of you named for me over the past several weeks, “have you noticed all the visitors we’ve had recently?”...
February 2, 2023: The Dear Friends
February 2nd, 2023
Today, I’m departing for a quick trip to the mountains of North Carolina with my dear pastor friends (affectionately called the Dear Friends, because we’re ...
January 27, 2023: Learning, Experiencing, Exploring
January 27th, 2023
Every now and again, I like to share with you in this weekly newsletter space some non-churchy things I’m learning, experiencing, exploring....
January 19, 2023: 2023 Deacons
January 19th, 2023
This Sunday, we celebrate the ministry of our deacons as we install the 2023 deacons and ordain three newly-called deacons to service: Holly Kessler, Jim Nelson...