
January 2024: Tender Care

January 7th, 2024

December's whirlwind of presents and parties and performances and places to go are always peppered with complexity. You know them well, I'm sure. "Oh what fun t...


Y'all are Beloved

2023 Year in Review

December 31st, 2023

On this final day of 2023, I find myself awash in reflections and gratitude from the year we've shared together. For what a season it’s been, our joy made ful...


Christmas Eve at First on Fifth

December 2023: To Dwell Among Us

December 2nd, 2023

I’ve had a recent conversation with one of my children about Santa, the mystery that stirs the imagination about a man who circles the earth in a night, nary ...


November 2023: The In-Between of November

November 2nd, 2023

Just a couple of nights ago, my family and I drove into Ardmore (our usual Halloween haunt) for some trick-or-treating....


October 2023: Welcome New Members

October 1st, 2023

Perhaps you have noticed that we have some new members around here. And not just some – to date, we have welcomed 59 new members into the beloved community of...


September 2023: The Metaphor for Life

September 1st, 2023

As I have attempted to become a half-decent plant parent over these adulting years, I figured that in order to shed my “accidentally kill all the plants that ...
