Dear Beloved Community,
I’m certain that music unlocks a chamber of the human heart in each of us where words cannot. Time and time again in my life, this has been true for me, and perhaps true for you too. This Advent season, it has been for me the Ardmore Brass on the first Sunday of Advent, calling us to the mystery of these waiting weeks with their resonant, warm, velvety rendering of these long-beloved hymns. It has been for me our handbell choir, ringing the bells of Love and calling us to see the joy we might have overlooked. And who could miss what gift we received from our children!
Last Sunday evening, our church’s elementary school children (under the direction of their fabulous leaders, Jake Hill and Mary Kaylor!) offered a most beautiful witness to the season in their production of St. Francis Tells the Christmas Story. Kelly Auditorium was packed – with people, with gratitude, with full and open hearts – and, as they so often do, our young ones led the way. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t a dry eye in the house, certainly not from me! My spirit was awash in pride at my kids and all our kids, and so deeply moved to, once again, be able to experience the good news from the mouths of our children.
This morning in worship, our Sanctuary Choir and guest orchestra will unfold for us the story of Jesus, of God who comes close and Love who dwells among us. In nine lessons and carols, we will hear the good news once again, and the music of the hour will bring light and life to all who hear it. Under the always-excellent and heart-filled leadership from David and Jake, our friends in the Sanctuary Choir have lovingly prepared our worship for this morning. You won’t want to miss it, not even in this morning’s rain!
Berthold Auerbach once said, “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” May it be so, in order to clear the way in our souls for the coming of Christ the Lord!
Together in God’s work of Love,
Pastor Emily