Among the most honest and creative bearers of God’s image are teenagers. Our 6th-12th graders bear witness to that! At First Baptist on Fifth, we seek to join adolescents on the journey of life and faith, building a wholehearted community, and holding brave, sacred space big and bold enough for all they bring. We know the myriad challenges facing today’s teenagers are impossible to overlook. We hope that teenagers at First on Fifth experience the truth that becomes the ground upon which they live: each is beloved by God, created by God as very good. Here, we help each other remember who and whose we are.

Through weekly gatherings during Sunday School for Bible Study and service, and regular weekend outings like contemplative photography, hikes, meals, and times of pure fun, our youth ministry community enjoys the gift of time together in the midst of life. Our youth are involved in all sorts of ways across the life of the church. Volunteers and guides offer leadership with our youth, and no time is more transformative than our week together in the summer at Passport camp.

For all who love and care for youth—your teenager(s),’ safety is most important to us. All paid and volunteer staff receive annual work training, and background checks are performed for those teaching and caring for youth. As the needs of our youth shift and change, we’re seeking out additional resources for mental health, care for those who are neurodivergent, care for those who’ve experienced trauma, and CPR/first aid. Our youth room (on the first floor) is welcoming and ready to receive your teenagers, filled with reminders that celebrate all our uniqueness within God’s colorful design.


Should you have any questions about Youth Ministry, please contact Kyle Caudle, Associate Pastor.