First on Fifth has a growing group of young adults who gather to encounter God, engender community, and engage in the world. We define “young adult” as anyone in their 20s or 30s + college students in all sorts of life stages – collegians, grad or professional school students or working, single or married, with kids or without, whatever! As one of our young adults said recently with a sly grin, “if you pay for insurance but don’t understand it, or if you refer to your pet as your child, then you qualify as a young adult!”

The realities facing 20- and 30-somethings today reflect the disruptive, disorienting years of unrelenting turmoil in all corners of our common life. So many young adults today are suspicious of or unmoved by organized religion but deeply passionate about the work of Love in the world. Our young adult community creates holy ground for all to bring their questions, doubts, and sacred space to find rest from anxiety.

Here at First on Fifth we create that space through a weekly Sunday morning small group (9:30 am in the first-floor young adult room in Kelly Auditorium) and monthly fellowship gatherings. We’d love to have you as part of the community!


Should you have any questions about the young adult ministry, please contact Mary Kaylor, Associate Pastor for Newcomers, Young Adults, and Community Engagement.
