Varied in background and experience, the adults of First on Fifth lead us with their very lives. They are our first waves of hospitality and generosity, leadership and vision, faithfully laboring to bring us ever-closer to God’s dream for our church. Adults at First on Fifth find community with each other primarily through their small group or Sunday School class, a group of fellow travelers on the road of life and faith who study together, fellowship together, and live the joys and sorrows of life – you guessed it – together. We are so fortunate to have a number of former ministers, professors, and teachers who give so generously of their gifts to teach and lead us well. These groups meet mostly on Sundays and some during the week; read more about them here!

Led by our Adult Ministry Team, First on Fifth adults have a number of growing opportunities before them each year – from topical studies in faith, to engaging speakers and thought-provoking activities, to times of fellowship and curiosity. A most meaningful set of experiences in 2023 have been our series of pilgrimages, journeys of heart and head and body undertaken with the hope of drawing closer to God and God’s beloved creation.


Should you have any questions about Adult Ministry, please contact Kyle Caudle, associate pastor.