Free and Faithful

| March 27th, 2025

As you are reading this, many First on Fifth folks are in Charlotte for the annual gathering of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina.  Last year, CBFNC celebrated 30 years as an organization, but some of you may not know the history and connection with First on Fifth.  In the early 90’s, there was a great divide among the Southern Baptist Convention, which had a direct impact on the Baptist State Convention of NC.  First on Fifth was committed to being a “free and faithful” baptist church, along with many other baptist churches.  Thus, in 1991, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (National) was founded.  Three years later, in 1994, First on Fifth was instrumental and was a founding congregation to form the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of NC.  We believed so much in CBFNC that we provided the first office space in our church for the headquarters of CBFNC.  Dr. David Hughes, our former pastor, was intricately involved in making sure places like First on Fifth had a safe and authentic baptist home within CBFNC and served as Moderator.  We are grateful for his service during those first years!

While 30 years have passed, we at First on Fifth still see the deep value of showing up as a CBFNC church to these annual gatherings, rooting ourselves in baptist principles, and continuing to be a voice at the table to articulate how we believe all are welcome within the broader CBFNC life.  I have served in a variety of ways within our denominational life, including the CBFNC theological education ministry team, the nominating ministry team, and currently the partnership development team.  Our other pastoral staff members have also served in a variety of ways and on various teams, which continues to articulate how important our voice matters as a progressive church within our fellowship across the state.  

CBFNC is an important part of our DNA as a congregation.  If you want to learn more about our history, I invite you to read more on our website, and check out more about CBFNC on their website,

You are loved!

– Pastor Amy