Tender Care: Winter Worship at First on Fifth

January 14

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

If the culture around us has its way, the new year comes at us hard and fast. Its messages are clear: New year, new you! Get organized! Go to the gym! Start a new hobby! Do the thing! Yet in Epiphany’s light of the star, God invites us to remain “in thy tender care,” as the Christmas carols remind us. This winter in worship, we’ll listen to the Gospel of Mark and Jesus revealed at its beginning, a Jesus full of tender care: receiving, extending, inviting, and honoring. In stories of baptism and calling, of healing and living, we’ll honor this gentle summons to be tended by the God who calls us beloved.

January 14

Tender Care: Living Under Water

Mark 1:4-11


January 21

Tender Care: Fishing for People

Mark 1:14-20

Amy McClure, proclaimer


January 28

Tender Care: A Spiritual Detox

Mark 1:21-28

Deacon Ordination & Installation


February 4

Tender Care: Keeping Time

Mark 1:29-39


February 11

Tender Care: Bringing It Down the Mountain

Mark 9:2-9