The Gifts of a Teaching and Learning Church
Dear Beloved Community, One August Sunday some three years ago, I met a winsome pair of brand-new students on the precipice of beginning a three-year journey t...
Gift and Giver
If I had a dollar for every one of you who've shared with such gratitude what Sunday's service of Lessons & Carols meant to you... well, I'd have a host of doll...
Now and Not Yet
All of us who enjoyed time together this week in Mary Foskett’s “More than a Season: Advent and the Christian Life” class were given ample gifts. Not the ...
The Clutch of Light
Dear Beloved Community, Most every year, we mark the third Sunday of Advent with our service of Lessons & Carols. Fitting on Joy Sunday, right? Our Sanctuar...
O Happy Sin
This Sunday in worship we will continue a tradition begun in 1918 at Kings College in Cambridge, England – – a Service of Lessons and Carols. Our Sanctuary ...
All Things New
Dear Beloved Community, Several days have since passed, but the deep and abiding love I experienced alongside you this Holy Week and Easter will not soon abate....
Collecting Our Tears
In author Sarah Bessey’s new book, Field Notes for the Wilderness: Practices for an Evolving Faith, she speaks of the wilderness of lament. Far too often, she...
Bearing the Beams of Love
I’ve gotten into the habit of wearing a rough-hewn wooden cross every day during Lent. The cross necklace was a gift from my former church, Highland Baptis...
Facing Our Finitude
I admit, I had to laugh. It’s precisely not the moment to laugh, this somber ritual in worship where the ministers smudge ashes on the brows of their congr...
How to Unlock the Heart
I’m certain that music unlocks a chamber of the human heart in each of us where words cannot. Time and time again in my life, this has been true for me, and p...
To Dwell Among Us
I’ve had a recent conversation with one of my children about Santa, the mystery that stirs the imagination about a man who circles the earth in a night, nary ...