Amy McClure

December 1st, 2024

God of Hope, 

We are grateful that you hear our prayers at all times, whether we have words or not,  you know the things on our hearts and in our minds, so we bring those things before  you this morning. You have revealed yourself as One who brings true hope, joy, peace,  and love in this world. You have called us to follow you, to preach good news to the  poor, to proclaim release for the captives and recovery of sight for the blind, to set free  those who are oppressed and to proclaim the time of your blessing. So we pray  

Come, Lord Jesus;  

You are our hope.  

In this season of busyness, we pray that we can always find time to pause and  experience your presence with us, guiding us, and bringing hope to us each day.  

Come, Lord Jesus;  

You are our hope.  

For those who are overwhelmed by loss and grief we pray for your comfort to surround  them. For those overwhelmed by family, by relationships, by jobs and co-workers, for  those overcome with desperation and longing for healthy community and longing for  someone to understand them and to see them for who they really are, we pray….  

Come, Lord Jesus;  

You are our hope.  

Be present with us, your church, as we respond to your call. Open our eyes to those  suffering. Fill us with compassion for those around us. Lead us into ministries that help  orphans and widows, those who are homeless, those who are hungry. Give us courage  to stand up and be a voice for the voiceless.  

Come, Lord Jesus;  

You are our hope.  

As we continue to see so much pain on our TV screens and computers as we read  about and see so much happening around the world, as we see those suffering even in 

our own country, the deaths in our own city and especially the deaths of children and  youth who are struggling or being neglected, we pray…  

Come, Lord Jesus;  

You are our hope.  

Set us free from the things in our lives that prevent us from seeing you more clearly.  Help us to be most fully ourselves in this faith community as we celebrate all of your  beloved children. Help us to forgive one another when we feel like our needs are not  met or when our expectations look differently. It is in communion with you that we find  our true selves and find true community. As we strive for that, we pray…  

Come, Lord Jesus;  

You are our hope.  

God of great hope and love, the one who helps us see each other the way you see us  and to love each other the way you love us, listen to the prayers of these your people. We pray these things in the name of Jesus, the one we wait for and the one who taught  us to pray, saying… 

Our Father, who art in heaven….