
Guided by the work of our Scholarship Committee, the two primary scholarships hold their application period each winter and spring. They are:

  • The Blackwell Memorial Fund Scholarship, providing scholarships for North Carolina students preparing for a career in ministry within the Baptist tradition.
  • The Ida Tilson Scholarship, providing scholarships to students enrolled at institutions of learning and study, not limited to 4-year colleges. Applications for vocational training programs will be accepted.  Should you have any questions about our scholarship opportunities, please call the church office or email us.

Both Scholarships are currently accepting applications. The deadline to submit is May 2, 2025. 


The John 3:16 Innovation for Ministry Fund

First Baptist Church on Fifth is called to enact and embody Christian ministry in the heart of Winston-Salem. In this transformative time in our history, we have been called specifically to dream intentionally and plan creatively ways to live into the four priorities for mission and ministry that our church named in 2018:

  1. Cultivating the well-being of children;
  2. Mitigating poverty in our community;
  3. Becoming a teaching and learning church;
  4. Growing in number and faithfulness

Blessed by an anonymous gift of $60,000, given for the purpose of funding new, short-term ministries, the church invites proposals for two kinds of Innovation in Ministry Mini-Grants.

New Ministry Initiatives Mini-Grants

New Ministry Initiative mini-grants provide a team of at least three church members one-time funding of up to $1,500 for the purpose of piloting a new short-term ministry initiative of First Baptist Church on Fifth. A New Ministry Initiative mini-grant may be used to create and implement a new one-time program, or it may be used to enrich or expand an existing ministry of First Baptist on Fifth in a way that reaches beyond what is supported by the current annual budget.

Learn More

Partners in Ministry Mini-Grants

Partners in Ministry mini-grants provides a team of at least three church members one-time funding of up to $1,500 for the purpose of partnering with existing church-based or Christian ministries, or not-for-profit organizations, in Winston-Salem whose mission is consistent with the priorities of FBC. Grants should lead to the measurable expansion of our church’s hands-on participation in the ministry or program that is being funded. Proposals should explain how the proposed activity will be sustained by the partner organization or will directly contribute to the partner organization’s sustained work in the community.

Learn More

Innovation for Ministry FAQs

Members and people active in the life of First Baptist on Fifth are eligible to apply for New Ministry Initiatives Mini-Grants and Partners in Ministry Mini-Grants. Applications will be submitted by a team leader, who must be a member of First Baptist on Fifth and at least 18 years of age, along with at least two other team members committed to participating in and implementing all aspects of the project throughout the grant period. Proposals for a First on Fifth Partners in Ministry Mini-Grant should include, in addition to the three or more team members from our congregation, at least one team member from the partner organization. Please read the above descriptions for detailed application forms and more information.

Mini-Grant proposals will be considered on a rolling basis; send us your ideas!

Please read the above descriptions for detailed application forms and more information.

Questions may be directed to the Grant Advisory Group of First Baptist on Fifth by email

This group consists of the following members of First on Fifth:
John Baxley
Mary Foskett
Joy Gambill
David Hughes
Lynn Rhoades
Emily Hull McGee, pastor

  • Ministry that aligns directly with the church’s four priorities for mission and ministry;
  • Short-term endeavors designed to respond to a documented need in the congregation
    and/or the Winston-Salem community;
  • Ministry that envisions clear outcomes and articulates the steps to achieve them over no
    longer than a 6-month period from the date the proposal is approved;
  • Ministry that is not already covered by the church’s budget or a partnering organization’s
  • Ideas supported by a team of at least three people active in the life of First Baptist who are
    committed to leading all phases of ministry planning, implementation, reporting, &